Aukščiausio meistriškumo ir pažangiausių technologijų (naudojame vokiškas „Holzma“ pjovimo stakles) dėka galime išpjauti pačių įvairiausių formų detales Jūsų gaminamiems baldams. Pjovimas neapsiriboja pjūviu tik 90 laipsnių kampu. Tikras grožis slypi nesibaigiančių formų įvairovėje ir mes tai vadiname figūriniu pjovimu.

Not only do we drill, but we also help prepare furniture drawings and component details. According to the pre-agreed drawings with you, we will precisely drill all the necessary furniture elements (with an accuracy of 0.2 mm!), carefully check everything, and safely package it. All that's left is to assemble! This service is provided to furniture manufacturers.

With the help of CNC machines, we mill countertops and laminated particle boards according to your specifications (shapes or drawings), prepare grooves for fiberboard backs, recess handles, and more.

We paint only the highest quality MDF and work exclusively with carefully selected primer and paint manufacturers. We can achieve any color you choose from the RAL or NCS palette.

We are able to produce 96% glossy painted MDF! We start with choosing the best high-quality MDF, milling necessary details and painting with selected color. Finally, we accurately polish the surface of MDF in order to obtain the best result and color intensity.
For us, consultation is not just about types of furniture materials or technical information about them. It is a dialogue where we understand your or your client's needs, possibilities, daily habits, and lifestyle, and then help you choose the most suitable materials.
Each client’s needs are different, so every consultation is unique. We want to help you create beautiful, practical, comfortable, and unique furniture and projects. We are confident that we share a common goal, and our dialogue is the first step towards its realization!